How To Gain 20 New IG Followers This Week

December 28, 2022

Hey! I’m Jessi.
I'm the founder & CEO of Fixe Beauty, and mom of two amazing boys! I'm on a mission to  help women create more time and financial freedom in their lives!
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Growing your Instagram may seem like a tough hill to climb, but we want you to know that with the right tools and consistency, you’ll be at the top of that hill in no time! We’ve put together 12 tips for you that will help you grow your IG and attract loyal followers.

Ready to take your IG to the next level? Start with tip number 1!

TIP #1 – Make the most of your bio – You have 150 characters to hook potential followers. Tell them who you are and what you’re about. 

Try to include these deets: 

  • What you do/offer 
  • Make it personal! Show off that winning personality.
  • Make them take action! (shop, read more, contact us, etc)
  • Link out to your site/booking calendar! 
  • Your custom hashtag, if you have one! 

TIP #2 – Be consistent – Profiles that post regularly gain followers faster than those that post less frequently. 

  • Post 2-3x weekly with a goal of increasing to 3-4x, then 4- 5x, then daily! 
  • This can be a combination of stories, reels, and in-feed posts

TIP #3 – Diversify your stories – Take advantage of the tools Instagram offers when it comes to stories.

  • Get comfortable with posting multiple stories daily and make them each unique!
  • Try focusing on interactive stories to increase views and engagement. 
  • Try using: Polls, Q&A, Yes or No, Quiz, Scroll bar, Count downs 

TIP #4 – Follow and interact in hashtags 

  • Hashtags are a great way to find your IG community! 
  • Search and follow relevant hashtags to find users similar to you and interact with their content! 
  • Pro Tip: Here are the hashtags Fixe Beauty uses regularly: #beautyindustryprofessionals, #beautypro, #lashpro, #lashextensions, #lashartist, #beautyboss 

Tip #5 – Interact before & after you post 

  • A part of Instagram’s algorithm is how much engagement you get from other Instagram users within the first hour of you posting anything. 
  • Interacting within hashtags relevant to your content will increase engagement and keep your post on the timeline longer! 

Tip #6 – Share posts to story 

  • Increase the visibility of your in-feed posts by sharing to your story and using a fun GIF encouraging your story viewers to like, comment and share your in-feed post! 

Tip #7 – Be creative in captions 

  • Nice photos catch people’s attention—great Instagram captions keep it. 
  • Captions give you a chance to provide more context or details about the photo or video you’re sharing.
  • Plus, using hashtags and keywords in captions can help you appear in search results on the app. 

Tip #8 –  Learn your audience 

  • Utilize Instagram Insights to know who your audience is, where they are, what their interests are, and when they are online so you can post at the right time but also post the right content! 

Tip #9 –  Be social and responsive 

  • Interact with your followers and always let them know you see them and appreciate them.
  • Respond to comments on your content, but also interact with their content.
  • Like, share and don’t forget that social media is all about being social! 

Tip #10 – Quality over quantity

  • Yes, posting frequency is important. Yes, being active matters, but nothing is more important than sharing
    content that is true to you, your business and brand and useful to your audience.

Tip #11 – Have fun and stay true to you

  • Authenticity will get you so far! Be YOU!
  • Share your story, share who you are and what you do. Your followers want to know you. 
  • When you feel like you’re low on content, remember that you are the face behind your brand and business.
  • Go live and just check in! Ask your followers how they are doing.
  • Share an inspirational quote or tip.

Tip #12 – Collaborate and partner 

  • We are a strong, powerful and mighty group!
  • Find other wimen in the #FixeFam and follow them. Dm them!
  • Share each other’s content!
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