
Hi there! I’m Jessi,
work from home mama & lashpreneur

Over the last 4 years I have helped over 42,000 ambitious women, just like you, to build  their own lash empires


I was an over-worked, over-stressed,  mom stuck in a hopeless amount of debt, a job I hated and a life that didn't feel like was mine...

Waking up everyday to a job I didn't love, leaving my son in a daycare I couldn't really afford, and feeling like there had to be more to this life I was living. I felt like I was doing all the right things, but nothing felt right. I knew there had to be more but I had no idea what I could do or how I could make a change. 
I wanted to be able to be home with my son when I needed, I craved a job I was excited to wake up and go to, and truthfully I was sick and tired of barely making enough money to make ends meet. Have you ever felt that way? 

it was different then...

Then I finally found my purpose, and it was in the last place I thought I would find it....

In a moment of desperation I signed up for a lash course. I had no background in the beauty industry, and had went to school to go into business. But I had went to get my lashes done one day and my lash artist told me how much money she was making, and how much fun she had meeting with her clients, and how it had helped her to pay off her debt. 
I thought, well, maybe I could do this too. 
The first, second, and third course I took were not great.  I left the classes feeling scared, not ready but determined to make it worked because I had already invested so much money (that I didn't have) into this. I practiced like crazy and slowly my confidence grew. I took clients in the evening after I came home from work and had put my son to bed. And as my skill grew, my confidence grew...

And the rest was history. After building my own lash business to a place where my family was thriving, I realized that there was a huge lack in the industry for high quality training, with ongoing support, and also the vital business skills and blueprints it takes to be successful. So I started Fixe Beauty, and here we are. 

I started to realize that little lash biz might have been the very thing I had been looking for me whole life. 


Jessi is the founder and CEO of Fixe Beauty. Fixe Beauty is an Online Lash Academy and Business school that has certified over 45,000 students and operates in 3 different countries. Jessi has a passion for helping women, single moms and local community members to build the tools they need to step forward in their lives. 




I am a science geek when it comes to lashes. I love diving into product formulations and ingredients


I am a tomboy by nature and spent most of my childhood in the hockey rink and wearing ball caps


I am the worst employee anyone has ever hired. (haha I'm sure we can find willing references ) 


I started Fixe to change my life, but realized early on it has nothing to do with me. My passion is charities who provide tools and hand ups. 


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