Business Insurance for the Beauty Industry with Simply Business

March 7, 2023

Hey! I’m Jessi.
I'm the founder & CEO of Fixe Beauty, and mom of two amazing boys! I'm on a mission to  help women create more time and financial freedom in their lives!
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Insurance shows up in our lives when we are least ready for it – but is a lifesaver for our business if and when it’s needed. Make sure you can be relieved that you’re covered rather than overwhelmed if the time comes. Insurance is a topic we tend to shy away from whether because it sounds scary, boring, or expensive. However, it’s more simple and more affordable than you think!

In episode 6 of the Beauty Boss podcast, we have a conversation with Kathy from Simply Business. Simply Business is a retail insurance agency that specializes in supporting small businesses. Kathy stresses the importance of being covered because you never know when and if you will need it, but you’ll be happy you had it if something happens. Fixe Beauty is proud to have a partnership with Simply Business. Read on for the answers to the most pressing insurance questions from start-ups and entrepreneurs across the United States.

Where do I start?

Start with a general liability policy because it puts a wall between your business professional self and your family and personal assets. It starts at as low as $25/month and protects you, so if you are sued, they cannot go after your personal belongings, your house, etc., for compensation.

What do I need to have, and when should I apply?

As soon as you get a customer, you should have, at minimum general liability insurance. When you apply, you need to answer what type of work you are doing and list the types of services you offer, such as lashes, hair coloring, massage, etc. Then, you’ll be able to pick your payment options and have your insurance emailed to you immediately.

How can I sign up with Simply Business?

Insurance through Simply Business is available in all 50 states. If you are a US-based lash artist, visit here for more information on insurance quotes! In as little as a 15-minute phone call, you can receive the type of coverage you need for your business and lay your head down at night with the peace of mind that you are protected.

To learn more, listen to the full episode at

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