How Much Cash Can You Rake In With Eyelash Extensions?

September 28, 2023

Hey! I’m Jessi.
I'm the founder & CEO of Fixe Beauty, and mom of two amazing boys! I'm on a mission to  help women create more time and financial freedom in their lives!
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Thinking about diving into the world of eyelash extensions and wondering if the money you can make is legit?

Well, hold onto your lash wands because we’re about to spill the tea on the financial side of being a Certified Lash Pro.

Can you really turn your lash game into a money-making powerhouse? Buckle up, because the answer is a resounding YES! In this blog post, we’re not just talking dollars; we’re talking lashes and how they can lead to some serious green.

**The Earning Potential That Will Make You Bat Your Lashes**

First things first, let’s talk dollars and cents. As a Certified Lash Pro, you’re not just beautifying lashes; you’re padding your wallet too. The cool thing is, you get to set your prices. Depending on your skill level, location, and the demand in your area, you can charge anywhere from a cool $50 to a whopping $300 for a full set of lash extensions. But wait, there’s more! You can also offer extra services like lash lifts, tinting, or fills, and watch your income soar.

Imagine this: you’re doing three lash sessions a day, and your average session costs $150. That’s a sweet $450 a day or $2,250 a week if you’re working five days. You do the math, and it starts to look pretty enticing, right?

**The Road to Lash Success**

Now, let’s talk about how people actually make it rain in the lash game. It starts with getting certified, and that’s a must-do. To become a Certified Lash Pro, you’ll need the right training and skills. Many lash artists kickstart their careers by enrolling in accredited lash extension courses. These courses give you the knowledge and skills you need to rock the lash world.

Once you’ve got that certification under your belt, the sky’s the limit. Some lash artists work in swanky salons or spas, while others go rogue and become freelance lash wizards. And guess what? Many successful lash artists eventually set up their own lash empires, calling all the shots and stacking up the dollars.

**Is It Really Possible, Or Are We Just Lashing Around?**

Now, you might be thinking, “Is this for real, or are we just lashing around?” We’re here to tell you it’s as real as those gorgeous lashes you’ll be creating. The beauty industry, including lash artistry, is on fire, and people are all about self-care and looking fabulous. That’s where you come in.

But here’s the deal: like any other gig, success takes dedication. You’ll need to stay up to date with the latest trends and techniques and provide top-notch service. With the right skills, a solid marketing game, and a commitment to quality, you’ll be making it rain lashes and cash.

**Counting the Cash – Average Salaries and Income Ranges**

So, what’s the deal with the dollars? On average, lash pros can rake in anywhere from $30,000 to $60,000 per year, according to industry surveys. But hold on to your adhesive, because experienced lash artists in high-demand areas or those with a loyal clientele can blow those numbers out of the water.

But remember, these are averages, and your income might be different based on your location and unique circumstances. Factors like your ability to attract and retain clients, where you’re located, and the services you offer will all play a part in your earning potential.

**Cash-Maximizing Lash Hacks**

Now, let’s talk about how you can roll in the dough as a Certified Lash Pro. We’re sharing some cash-maximizing lash hacks that will have you seeing dollar signs:

1. Build a Squad of Lash Lovers: Your clients are your ticket to the cash train. Provide next-level service to build a squad of loyal clients who keep coming back. Here’s how:

– Get Personal: Remember details about your clients, like birthdays and special occasions. Send them personalized messages or special offers when those dates roll around.

– Loyalty Pays: Create a loyalty program that rewards clients for their loyalty. Think free fills after a certain number of appointments or exclusive discounts.

2. Amp Up Your Service Menu: Don’t just stick to the basics; expand your services to increase your revenue stream. Consider these money-makers:

– Lash Lifts: Offer lash lift treatments for clients looking to elevate their lash game.

– Tinting: Add lash and brow tinting services to enhance your clients’ look and increase your income.

– Bottom Lashes: Don’t forget the lower lashes—offer lower lash extensions for a complete and eye-popping look.

3. Price It Right: Setting the right prices is crucial. Your rates should reflect your skill, the quality of your products, and the local market. Here’s the deal:

– Spy on the Competition: Research what other lash pros in your area are charging to ensure your prices are competitive.

– Bundle Up: Create value-added packages that bundle services together at a discounted rate. Clients love a good deal, and this encourages them to try multiple treatments.

4. Never Stop Learning: The beauty industry is always evolving, and you need to stay on top of your game. Here’s how:

– Advanced Training: Invest in advanced training to level up your skills and offer specialized services like volume lashes or colored extensions.

– Certify Yourself: Get additional certifications to showcase your expertise and attract a diverse clientele.

There you have it, lash boss. Now you know that not only are the lashes long and fabulous, but the earning potential is too. With these tips and a little lash magic, you’ll be counting those dollar bills in no time! So go out there and slay those lashes and that cash game. Cha-ching! 💰✨

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