3 Tips to Getting More Clients…and Keeping Them!

November 15, 2022

Hey! I’m Jessi.
I'm the founder & CEO of Fixe Beauty, and mom of two amazing boys! I'm on a mission to  help women create more time and financial freedom in their lives!
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If getting more clients is important to you, then you will definitely want to check this out. I am sharing with you some of the hottest tips I have found when it comes to easily getting referrals and sharing your work with the world.

There is nothing more powerful than a referral, am I right? You go for dinner at a great restaurant, experience great service and love the food, so you tell all your friends about it right?

Same goes with your work. You know you are great at what you do, now it’s time to spread the word so that others want to book in with you too…and with more clients comes more money, so listen up! 


Tip #1 – Ask for a Testimonial 

Every time a client walks out of your space, they are basically a walking advertisement for your work. So asking your existing clients for testimonials is a great way to spread the word. And the sooner you act, the better the testimony is going to be, even if you are feeling nervous about asking. Trust me, we all feel nervous at first!


If you are worried about coming across pushy or needy, don’t worry…your clients already know, like and trust you and they really do want to help you to be successful! 


All you need to do is be yourself and let them know that you are trying to grow your business and sharing with you about their experience would go a long way for you! 


A great time to ask is the day after their appointment. The memory of how you made your client feel is strong, and they have had time to fall in love with their new look, so capitalize on those emotions. 


Tip #2: Ask for feedback, don’t avoid it


The more your skills grow, the more your confidence grows, but in the beginning it is normal to be afraid of asking for feedback. Even if you are scared, ask anyway because this is an important part of building trust with your clients. Listen to what they have to say and take their feedback with love and appreciation so they feel seen and heard. 


If clients have any sort of dissatisfaction with your service, this allows you to hear about it right away and take the necessary steps to fix the problem and it helps you to become more confident in your skills and in troubleshooting.


Feedback is actually a good thing, even if it is not all positive, you have the opportunity to turn that around! And when you do, clients will trust you even more and come back over and over again because they know you care and are dedicated to your work. 


Tip #3: Get personal and be direct


In this industry, you have the opportunity to get to know your clients really personally, after all, you are spending a lot of one on one time with them! So, when you are sending a text or email to communicate, be sure to use their name and make it as personal as you can. Who doesn’t love that, right?


Keep a little file on each client so you can remember things like their partners or kids names, their birthdate or things that they are interested in. If they like their service done a specific way, take note of that too. The more you show you are paying attention, the more your clients will notice the extra mile you go for them and that also helps with referrals and repeat business.


If you want to hear more about client retention and making more money you will want to check out something special we created just for you! 


The beautyboss❥app is like your one stop shop for growing your business because we have combined beauty skills training, business skills growth AND coaching and community all in ONE PLACE and for the lowest price possible…only $19.97 USD/month. Say what???


It is almost too good to be true! Click here to see why so many are running to join us and then finally experiencing the business boom they have been working so hard for! 


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