How to Excel in The Beauty Industry

January 23, 2023

Hey! I’m Jessi.
I'm the founder & CEO of Fixe Beauty, and mom of two amazing boys! I'm on a mission to  help women create more time and financial freedom in their lives!
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The last ten years in the beauty industry has taught me so many valuable lessons. 

I’ve made countless mistakes, but I’ve held  myself accountable for every single one of them and that is where the most growth always happened for me. The more I learned and the more I grew, the more I wanted to share all of my knowledge and skills with those around me, which led me to teaching others how to start their own beauty businesses and creating the lives they always desired.

Today, I want to share more about Jessi the mom and Jessi the CEO and teach you how I used  every challenge that came my way as fuel to achieve massive success as a beauty business owner.

Customer Experience vs. Customer Service

One of the first things I learned when I started my beauty business is the difference between customer service and customer experience. Customer service is taking care of a customer when they have an issue. Customer experience focuses on the relationship between a business and its customers. It includes every form of interaction or communication with the customer, whether direct or indirect, even if it doesn’t result in a purchase. This is what creates and increases customer lifetime value and that is huge.

Many people overlook these factors when trying to get more clients in the door. We don’t often take a step back and look at things from our clients’ points of view. However, it’s important to do that to see where you can improve.

When you prioritize customer service, you create a space that allows customers to feel safe to come to you with any and every issue. When you prioritize customer experience, your clients will never forget how great they felt while interacting with your company and they will become a lifelong client for you.

Where to Start 

You’re probably thinking that the idea of prioritizing customers sounds amazing, but it also sounds out of reach because you don’t have any clients yet. I know how you feel. When I first started out, I had to hustle and struggle to grow my business, but that doesn’t last forever! 

My biggest piece of advice for those of you who are just starting out is to think of 20 people in your life who could potentially benefit from your service. Reach out to them and let them know that you just got your certification and need someone to practice on. Ask them if you can book them in and give them a specific date and time. If they don’t want your service, ask if they know someone who would.

Trust me when I tell you that these 20 people will change your business. When I first started, I never had to market my business. All of it came from the referrals of just three people. Imagine what could happen with 20!

How to Stand Out and Excel

Once you have consistent clients, you need to take it a step further. There are a couple of things you can do that will differentiate you from the rest of the market. These are the things that make people excel in the beauty industry.

  1. Do what others don’t or won’t! First, you need to do those things that other people don’t want to do. The problem is when people start complaining about things that are hard and then just stop. To excel, you have to be relentless in your pursuit. You’ll have things go wrong and clients will cancel but you can’t have a victim mindset. You have to make things happen. For example, if you botched a service, figure out what you need to learn from that situation. 
  2. Invest in your business! Secondly, investing in the resources you need to support yourself is key. You might want to invest in a website, for example. Additionally, you should delegate more tasks off your plate. This will help you earn more money and operate in your zone of genius.

If you want to hear more about how I got started in the beauty industry, check out

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