Diversity IS Beauty!

November 15, 2022

Hey! I’m Jessi.
I'm the founder & CEO of Fixe Beauty, and mom of two amazing boys! I'm on a mission to  help women create more time and financial freedom in their lives!
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Here at Fixe Beauty we are all about setting high standards and we’re making a stand for the fact that DIVERSITY IS BEAUTY!


Did you know that it is said that the majority of beauty and makeup companies have exclusively followed the Euro-centric, non-people-of-color beauty standards?


According to Allure’s 20th Anniversary Beauty Survey, the new American beauty is a hybrid of cultures, sporting more curves, fuller lips, and darker skin. The survey found that “sixty-four percent of all respondents think women of mixed (white with a POC)  race represent the epitome of beauty.”


Well my friends it’s time to change the perspective of beauty. This is not the message we want to be sending out to the world today. Not only is this upsetting to many, but it also creates a divide within the BIPOC community as we are still struggling with colorism within our communities.


With so many different backgrounds in the world as we know it, it is impossible to think that there is only one standard, and by stating that if we throw a little brown into the cake batter mix, it will make things better…


WRONG. This is sending a negative message, and we are not here for it.


With Iconic creators, such as Rhianna, LYS Beauty, Iman, and many more, there has obviously been a huge change in this way of thinking, YES we still have a far ways to go, but the receipts are here to be seen. When we travel to beautiful places in South America and the Caribbean, it is clear that beauty expands beyond the ideal standard… Oh, and do not get us started on body types, that we will leave for another time.


Listen, we all have an opportunity to change the standard and we all have the opportunity to create a space to look and represent better than where this standard way of beauty started. 


So let’s put in the work, by diversifying our platforms, collaborating with other communities, and being open to look at beauty with an entirely new perspective, because DIVERSITY IS BEAUTY and that is the only standard we should have.


Blog Post By:

Our Fixe Beauty Diversity In Beauty Expert & Student Success Coach-

Maria Michelle’lee

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