How do referrals help your lashing business…

October 7, 2021

Hey! I’m Jessi.
I'm the founder & CEO of Fixe Beauty, and mom of two amazing boys! I'm on a mission to  help women create more time and financial freedom in their lives!
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How often do you go to a restaurant and tell all your friends about how amazing the food is? 


Restaurants bank on this, because most of them don’t advertise. Word of mouth or a referral is the BEST way to boost your business and here’s why:


The person who has been referred is there because their friend (your client) already sold them on you and your beautiful work. Not because you spent time or money on advertising, social media posts or email blasts. It’s simply because of your great work, your drive and sooo much more 😉


This doesn’t mean that you get to skip building a relationship with your new client, it just means the hard part of getting her in the door is done! She’s there because she was told that you are the best (which you are) now all you have to do is show her! 


Do you love your clients!?! 


Of course! 


That’s another bonus to referrals. 


Most of your clients will send you “like minded” clients. That’s not to say they will want the same look or will have the same expectations. But it does mean they will most likely be loyal. Picking a Lash Artist is like picking a Dentist or a Hairdresser. Once you find your person, you stay. 


If your clients are referring other people to you, it probably means they are loyal to you. They book their appointments in advance, show up on time and take care of their lashes. Who doesn’t want a clientele full of people like that? 


These types of clients are your bread and butter and you want as many referrals as you can get! 


Side note: Rebooking appointments are key to knowing and planning your income 


A referral means the person coming through your door is there because they were “sold” on you. You didn’t have to advertise or spend any time or money on getting them there. A referred client is a loyal client (after you prove yourself of course), which means they will see you regularly, show up on time and probably send you more referrals. 


Bottom line, all these things = MONEY. 



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